I received my PhD in Statistical Science from Duke University under the advisement of Dr. Alan Gelfand and Dr. James Clark. I have interests in Bayesian hierarchical modeling, with applications in the environmental and ecological sciences. My current work includes developing joint species distribution models for various animals and plant communities. Beyond research, I am interested in statistics education and mentoring, particularly with regards to increasing accessibility to students of underrepresented backgrounds and bringing Bayesian statistics into the undergraduate curriculum. I was also a recipient of the NSF GRFP fellowship. I am currently an Assistant Professor of Statistics at Middlebury College in Vermont.
PhD in Statistical Science, 2022
Duke University
BA in Mathematics and Computer Science, 2018
Swarthmore College
Assisted Professor Kelly McConville with developing an R package to implement various model-assisted surey estimators. Estimators include the Horvtiz-Thompson, ratio, and post-stratification.
CRAN website:
Teaching a ten-week course introducing students from various disciplines to data science and statistical thinking. The goal is to help students gain experience in data wrangling, exploratory data analysis, predictive modeling, data visualization, and effectively communicating results. The courses introduces and focuses on the R statistical computing language.
Course website:
Taught a six-week course introducing students to the discipline of statistics.
Course website: